Sustainability Statement

Van Teal is committed to minimizing (or reducing) the impact our business has on the environment. Our growing concern for the welfare of our planet has motivated us to assess our overall environmental footprint and set in motion a sustainability program. We are focusing efforts on manufacturing procedures and raw material sourcing to reduce energy demands; we are working toward the reduction in production and shipping waste, as well as creating new designs with a greater capacity for recyclability.


Van Teal also recognizes that we must lead our international facilities and suppliers toward a heightened commitment to environmental and social respect. We have developed an operating code of conduct and checklist of practices with which we can assess our global activities and assist our suppliers in pursuit of this goal.


Our sustainability program has inspired us to review all aspects of our internal and external operations and seek out more environmentally balanced products and practices. Van Teal has committed our company and its employees to pursuing the means to a healthier habitat for all of us.


Van Teal is a proud member of the Hospitality Sustainable Purchasing Index Consortium.

